My name is Jonathan and I'm a Software Engineer who loves building things and solving problems. Right now I'm working on a prototype of a distributed smart-grid after reading Gretchen Bakke's The Grid. I'm also an open source ontributor, bike tinkerer, and climber of rock and ice.
Prior to Engineering I worked in Supply Chain Mangement and Distribution in the Food Industry and discovered coding while implementing systems based solutions to common business problems (for example, how do you calculate the ideal supply purchasing schedule in order to maximize cash on hand given the terms you get from suppliers, the terms you offer to customers, and fluxuating demand). After discovering an entire field consumed with solving problems of all shapes and sizes, I enrolled in the Flatiron School. After graduating I was hired as an assistant teacher where I gave lectures on Ruby, object-oriented design, and Javascript to name a few topics. I also built exercises that are still in use today.
After that I took a job with JP Morgan Chase working as a back-end software engineer on their Financial Compliance team. There I've worked on building distributed systems using technologies such as Akka and Java 8's CompletableFutures pipelines. I've learned best practices in redesigning massive legacy applications into a more modern microservice architecture. And I've also developed a real love of Python and am an open-source contributor on the Falcon Web Framework project.
Java -
Python -
Ruby -
Spring -
Gradle -
Akka -
Cucumber -
Gunnicorn -
Falcon -
PostgreSQL -
MS SQL Server -
Git -
Rails -